Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lovey Survey

Its Thursday, I'm all caught up with school (well I could do some reading but...), so blogger has been consuming my morning! There are so many creative people on here! I could spend the whole day looking at blogs!

In baby news, we have one active baby in here! I could seriously feel it roll around! Its an amazing feeling! I can't wait to feel it more and more as the weeks go by! We'll find out if were having a little girl or boy on Monday. Most people think it will be a boy! I originally thought it was going to be a boy, but for the past month or so I've been thinking girl! Vic woke up this morning saying he had a nightmare that we had a baby girl! LOL! I asked him if she looked like him, because in all of my dreams she has looked IDENTICAL to him! So we are anxious needless to say to find out! Our families are coming over for dinner on Monday night for the big reveal! First we will be having cupcakes that will be dyed with either blue or pink! Then we'll have dessert! I haven't quite decided yet whats for dinner, but I better think of something soon!

I truely love my husband, and I am so incredibly greatful to have him in my life! Our child will be blessed to be a part of such a loving relationship!

What is his name?

How long have you been together? Since late August of 2006, and we were happily married on September 5th of 2009.

Who eats more? Vic, even though I'm five months pregnant LOL. He loves my cookin'

Who said I love you first? I know this sounds wrong, but its hard for me to remember. I am almost positive Vic said it first around late October of 2006, but I'm sure he would say that I said it first =) which is a likely option!

Who is taller? Vic is probably a foot taller than me! He has a nice view of my pretty smile looking up to him on a constant basis =)

Who sings better? Me =) Vic doesn't sing too much and when he does its normally something silly! I on the other hand catch myself singing when I'm working or doing chores! I'm sure it drives people at dream dinners nuts!

Who is smarter? I would say Vic is wiser, and I am smarter! Well, it depends what you are talking about that. We are both smart in our own expertises. For him its money, cars, etc. For me its cooking, house duties, health, and practical daily things.

Who does the laundry? Its shared! We normally fold the laundry together =) I am sooo lucky!

Who does the dishes? Its shared! If I cook, Vic cleans, and vice versa! Sometimes I'll do the dishes if he empties the dishwasher.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Vic does, but we mostly meet up in the middle =)

Who pays the bills? Vic

Who mows the lawn? Lucky us we don't have one!

Who cooks dinner? I do =) Well, me and Dream dinners cook dinner! Vic will sometimes cook Hamburger helper, but we haven't had that in a long time! I enjoy cooking though, and baking too =)

Who drives when you are together? Vic all the time, every time! He's an amazing driver!

Who is more stubborn? OOOO Vic for sure! he may say me though hahah

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? I do, I overly admitt/apologize when I'm wrong! Especially to him!

Whose parents do you see the most? Probably mine! They live right down the street. But its not off by much!

Who kissed whom first? I waited for his lead!

Who proposed? Vic surprised the bajeebees out of me! We were wrestling around (something we used to do often before I got pregnant) and I had run to the bathroom real quick, when I came out I couldn't find him, so I got all revved up ready to attack as I was searching, and I turned the corner by our closet and he was down on one knee with a huge smile on his face =) it was the best surprise ever!

Who is more sensitive? Me

Who has more friends? Vic, we definately hang out with his friends the majority of the time. But they are awesome guys and I totally love having them as friends!

Who has more siblings? Equal , we are both one of three =)

Who wears the pants in the family? Vic, and rightfully so!

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